Friday, March 2, 2012

Fuck Those Guys

From karoli at C&L:

Oh, and then there's this poor guy:

Wall Street headhunter Daniel Arbeeny said his “income has gone down tremendously.” On a recent Sunday, he drove to Fairway Market in the Red Hook section of Brooklyn to buy discounted salmon for $5.99 a pound.

I'll bet that cut-rate salmon tastes just as good as the stuff that cost $20 per pound, even without the pedigree.

Executive-search veterans who work with hedge funds and banks make about $500,000 in good years, said Arbeeny, managing principal at New York-based CMF Partners LLC, declining to discuss specifics about his own income. He said he no longer goes on annual ski trips to Whistler (WB), Tahoe or Aspen.

He reads other supermarket circulars to find good prices for his favorite cereal, Wheat Chex.

Day-um. No ski trips? Coupons for Wheat Chex? Someone please, please spare me this. Say it must not be so! Alas, it must.

Here's what I want to tell these guys who are bemoaning the stalled gravy train. For years they made great money, far more than they deserved for doing less than they should have. Unlike the majority in this country who are lucky enough to have a job at all, they made enough to actually save for a rainy day. Why should we pity them if they didn't? After all, they're the financial gurus, the guys in the big office building telling other people how to manage their money, and yet it seems they didn't take their own advice.

So excuse me if I don't shed a tear for their dilemma. Perhaps they'll begin to understand what it feels like to have to cut back until there's nothing left to cut back on in order to make the mortgage payment. While these guys whine about not taking the high-end vacations, other families are struggling to feed their families at all. They'll survive, even if it means selling their expensive cars and taking the train to work. They might even find out they like it. I'm far more worried about the 99 percent than I am these guys.

Seriously. What kind of a narcissistic piece of shit do you have to be to bemoan the fact that you can't afford to go to Whistler and that you have to go to the other market to buy your fancy fucking fish? Assholes

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