Monday, August 1, 2011

Stay classy, Republicans!

Showing all the class and elan that we always knew the Republican party is capable of, Rep. Doug Lamborn (R. Colorado) basically calls the President a tar baby. From Salon:

LAMBORN: Even if some people say "well, the Republicans should have done this, or should have done that," they will hold the President responsible. Now, I don't even want to be associated with him, it's like touching a, a tar baby and you get know you're stuck and you're part of the problem and you can't get away.

It has been questioned whether the term "tar baby" is always a racist term. In 2006, Ta-Nehisi Coates explored this issue in Time magazine. "Is tar baby a racist term?" he asked. "Like most elements of language, that depends on context. Calling the Big Dig a tar baby is a lot different than calling a person one." In this case, that context is quite clear.

You're a smooth talker, Lamborn.

h/t David Sirota.

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